Kick Back in 北卡罗来纳州: 8 Great Things To Do in 北卡罗来纳州, NC

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虽然有无数的方式来享受这个城市, here are eight ideas for things to do in 北卡罗来纳州 to get you started!


的 history of 北卡罗来纳州 extends back to 1906 after James William Cannon, 坎农米尔斯创始人, purchased a plot of l和 和 started building the town 和 new textile mill. By 1914, Cannon Manufacturing became known as the largest producer of sheets 和 towels in the world.

Though the city’s future was uncertain when the mill closed in 2003, 北卡罗来纳州 made a comeback. 今天, 它是博物馆的所在地, 餐厅, 精品店, 啤酒厂, 一个苹果汁, 修复的历史剧院, an award-winning minor-league ballpark 和 enough special events 和 activities for even the most ambitious itineraries.

1. 看一场球赛

在中庭健康棒球场找到你的座位来观看 卡纳波利斯炮弹队, the Low-A affiliate of the Chicago White Sox, take the field. 小联盟球队和它的吉祥物, 潮, draw crowds who are eager to watch their team’s players round the bases. 主场比赛从4月到9月举行, so there are plenty of chances to take in this family-friendly experience.

棒球场——投了赞成票 低a职业棒球联盟最佳棒球场 in 2021 — doubles as a public park complete with a playground 和 splash pad, making it worth a visit even when the team isn’t on the field.

2. 举杯祝贺

老盔甲啤酒公司 in 市中心的健康 didn’t just choose military-inspired names such as Oh Dark Thirty for its beers — the interior decor, Pay-It-Forward board 和 various special events at the veteran-owned brewery all pay homage to those who served.

这家精酿啤酒厂以其种类繁多的啤酒而闻名, including everything from imperial stouts 和 IPAs to Belgian-style tripel 和 German-style Kolsch. Proceeds from the rotating selection of charitable beers are donated to nonprofits serving veterans, 急救人员和社区团体.

隔壁是老盔甲,游客到 Tipsy Hare Ciderworks 被邀请参加“跳上苹果酒火车?.作为卡巴鲁斯县的第一家苹果酒, this popular spot offers craft ciders that range from the sweetest of their selection, 宝贝树, 到干的品种,如42.

Both the ciders from Tipsy Hare 和 brews from OA can be enjoyed in the four-lane bowling alley below. 在 主要人物的地下 试一试鸭子保龄球.

3. 激励你的冒险

想要快速补充能量,可以从 本地爱国者烘焙公司. or 版本. During lunch or dinner in downtown, power up with a protein-packed meal from 海关101年. 的 menu at this full-service restaurant features seafood, steaks 和 chops, salads 和 more. 沿着莱恩街开一小段路就到了, another local favorite is serving up homecooked classics — fuel up on spaghetti, 汉堡, blt和更多的 李氏三明治店.

需要一些甜的东西来给你打气? 卡纳波利斯不会让你失望! 任何来自…的糖果 我姐姐家的冰淇淋 & 福吉, 吃蛋糕面包店, 詹姆斯的甜蜜点颓废的爆米花 你确定能成功吗.

4. 争取众议院最好的席位

宝石剧院 12月开业. 1936年3月31日,这是城里最热门的一张票. 的 historic single-screen theater has undergone recent renovations 和 remains a beloved spot to watch first-run movies in 市中心的健康. 被列入国家史迹名录, the Gem is also one of the few remaining theaters with balcony seating.

购票, order popcorn 和 settle in to watch a movie 和 see why it’s been downtown’s favorite movie theater for 85 years.

5. 发现音乐 & 皇冠hg0088正网网址历史

On Dale Earnhardt Boulevard, two major pieces of North Carolina’s history collide. 的 北卡罗来纳音乐名人堂路勃音乐博物馆 & 皇冠hg0088正网网址 fittingly share a space that houses storied artifacts from both the racing 和 music industries. 从金牌唱片到赢得赛车冠军, this duo displays an incredibly unique selection of memorabilia.

6. 参观Dale Earnhardt广场

北卡罗来纳州 is the hometown of racing legend Dale Earnhardt Sr., 和 Cabarrus County is home to several important l和marks from his life 和 racing career. 从赛马景点 理查德·柴尔德里斯赛车亨德里克赛车 to the street of Downtown 北卡罗来纳州 where Earnhardt grew up, fans can also visit 戴尔·恩哈特致敬广场, where seven steps descending into the plaza represent his seven Cup championships, 椭圆形的布局被设计成类似于赛道. 的re is even more significance intertwined in the courtyard, 和 centerpiece of the urban greenspace is a 9-foot bronze statue of Earnhardt.

7. 购买本地纪念品

Whether it’s a homemade popcorn or a Baller-br和ed ballcap, the specialty 商店 和 精品店 in 北卡罗来纳州 will leave you with bags full of goodies to remember your visit by.

From pillows to c和les, décor sporting the city’s name or zip code can be found at spots like 甜蜜的开始. 拿件坎纳波利斯圆领运动衫 列侬精品 或者流行的" Good Gets " t恤 阿黛尔, which features the iconic marquee of neighboring 宝石剧院. 为了表示对家乡球队的支持,请顺道拜访一下 炮城供应公司. 去拿你需要的比赛装备.

8. 享受季节性活动 & 节日

北卡罗来纳州 offers something for visitors to enjoy year-round, but special events 和 festivals add an extra reason to visit during every season. Things heat up in the spring for the Jiggy with the Piggy barbecue competition 和 festival. Join the community in celebrating race season with festivities like the annual 恩哈特户外摊牌. 夏天带来了一系列你不想错过的音乐会, 和 fall is welcomed with Oktober Family Fest at Atrium Health Ballpark. 然后, behold thous和s of glimmering lights while on a train ride around 乡村公园 during Christmas in 北卡罗来纳州.

这个城市的一些特别活动都在 乡村公园, where the amphitheater, splash pad 和 double-decker carousel make for a memorable visit. 北卡罗来纳州 offers even more 公园, greenways 和 spaces to enjoy the outdoors, such as 退伍军人公园 和爱尔兰水牛城溪绿道,这是 卡罗莱纳线径.


在卡纳波利斯找住处? 浏览这些 住宿地点 整个北卡罗莱纳州的卡巴鲁斯县! 了解更多关于这一切 卡纳波利斯必须提供 然后开始计划你的旅行.


在旅途中需要信息? Browse the digital 目的地指南 online now for details on 餐厅, 景点, 商店, 公园, 博物馆及更多.
